LV Diamonds Certificate Transfer
How can I transfer my Certificate?
It is possible to transfer your LV Diamonds Certificate to a new owner, this means the product will no longer belong to you and the certificate will be visible only on the new owner’s My LV account - My Certificates section.
To initiate the transfer, open your LV Diamonds Certificate on My LV account - My Certificates section and select the option “transfer certificate”.
You will get to the transfer page, where you will have to enter the e-mail of the new owner and create a secret keyword to secure the transfer. Complete the transfer by selecting “transfer certificate”.
The new owner will receive an e-mail with the secret keyword and a second e-mail with the link to activate the certificate.
To activate the LV Diamonds Certificate successfully (new owner), the keyword & individual number are required.
Once the information is entered successfully, the LV Diamonds Certificate will be activated and ready to be consulted at any time in My LV account – My Certificates section (new owner’s account).
Please note that the LV Diamonds Certificate will disappear from the previous account owner.
Should you require more information, please contact our Client Services at +1.866.VUITTON.
I am having troubles with the Keyword to finalize the transfer, what can I do?
If you encounter any trouble with the LV Diamonds Certificate transfer, please contact our Client Services at +1.866.VUITTON.
Our specialized advisors will be happy to assist you.
The transfer did not go well, what can I do?
If you encounter any trouble with the LV Diamonds Certificate transfer, please contact our Client Services at +1.866.VUITTON.
Our specialized advisors will be happy to assist you.
It is possible to transfer your LV Diamonds Certificate to a new owner, this means the product will no longer belong to you and the certificate will be visible only on the new owner’s My LV account - My Certificates section.
To initiate the transfer, open your LV Diamonds Certificate on My LV account - My Certificates section and select the option “transfer certificate”.
You will get to the transfer page, where you will have to enter the e-mail of the new owner and create a secret keyword to secure the transfer. Complete the transfer by selecting “transfer certificate”.
The new owner will receive an e-mail with the secret keyword and a second e-mail with the link to activate the certificate.
To activate the LV Diamonds Certificate successfully (new owner), the keyword & individual number are required.
Once the information is entered successfully, the LV Diamonds Certificate will be activated and ready to be consulted at any time in My LV account – My Certificates section (new owner’s account).
Please note that the LV Diamonds Certificate will disappear from the previous account owner.
Should you require more information, please contact our Client Services at +1.866.VUITTON.
I am having troubles with the Keyword to finalize the transfer, what can I do?
If you encounter any trouble with the LV Diamonds Certificate transfer, please contact our Client Services at +1.866.VUITTON.
Our specialized advisors will be happy to assist you.
The transfer did not go well, what can I do?
If you encounter any trouble with the LV Diamonds Certificate transfer, please contact our Client Services at +1.866.VUITTON.
Our specialized advisors will be happy to assist you.
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